Monday, June 11, 2007

Kick Off

The company I work for hired a registered dietitian to come give some classes on nutrition and how to eat well. The classes were popular (free lunches) and well attended. They decided to hire the lady back to give her "Healthy Living" 8 week class. I am one of about 16 that signed up for the class. Tomorrow is my initial "assessment" with the teacher. The goal of the class is learn to eat better, start actually doing it, lose weight, and get into an exercise routine. The dietitian will be preparing personalized meal plans for all of us. We will have a class each Monday for eight weeks, and will have a private weigh in each week. The class will cost me only $60, which is a great deal I think, especially since I'll get quite a bit of personal instruction. I'll get $30 back if I meet my goals, which I'll set tomorrow. I'm excited about this. Wish me luck.


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