Friday, September 07, 2007


Angie's parents arrived yesterday afternoon. It's been a while since they've been here. It's nice to have them in our home. They're here for Alex's confirmation, which will happen on Sunday. Alex's sponsor, her Uncle Kevin, will arrive tomorrow sometime. He's bringing Brett, which is sweet. I always enjoy seeing Kevin and Brett. I wish Lisa and J.P. were coming too, but that would be too much for them I'm sure.

The weather is slowing getting cooler, which is great. Supposed to be in the 50's tonight. perfect.

Two of the shots above were taken with an IR (infrared) filter over the lens. The IR filter blocks all visible light (you can't see through it with your eye). The camera can see infrared light, which makes for some funky colored shots. Pretty cool huh.

Have a great weekend-

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