Saturday, March 15, 2008


Madeline painted Easter eggs today. She had a great time doing it, and did a good job. She is one creative child. She lost another tooth last night, number four for her I think. She has two missing currently, and looks like she belongs in southern Missouri.

Alex, and her youth group at church, did a living Stations of The Cross last night. It was pretty cool. I don't think I've been to Stations since I was in grade school. It was neat all over. Makes me wonder if I'd have been strong enough to stand up for Christ. I doubt it.

I ran my 102nd mile today. 398 to go. It's getting addicting. I just wish my knee would quit hurting. Stupid aging body.

I got to print in the darkroom tonight. I miss it so much. I was without a film camera for a few weeks. I couldn't take it, so I sold some gear and purchased one. I love film. I just wish it were less time consuming and easier. The whole process is so much more rewarding than digital is to me. Digital is easier though, and cheaper.

From grade school through high school, I had a great friend named Andy. Andy's mother passed away a week ago. I went to her funeral on Tuesday. I haven't seen Andy for at least twelve or thirteen years, and don't really know why. I was surprised at how touched I was at the funeral, at how much I felt for Andy and his family. It's funny how some feelings never leave us. I got to talk to Andy on Tuesday night; something I've looked forward to for a long time. I can't believe we're so old now, and have let so much of life get past us without sharing it. I hope we will stay in touch now.

Three weeks from now, I'll be at Taneycomo with the Troutslayers. Angie keeps asking me if I've already left in my mind. Not yet, but very soon dear.


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