Friday, August 14, 2009


The kids are in Florida with their grandparents. They flew out last night (boy are their arms tired). I took them to the airport. We got there two hours early, just in case there were any issues with three minors flying alone. No issues. I waited with them until they boarded. I kissed them goodbye then went down to the bar and had an $8 beer while I waited for the plane to leave. It's a weird feeling watching the kids leave alone. When I talked to Madeline on the phone this morning, she told me she cried on the plane for two hours. Poor Alex & Abby.

It's a good feeling having no commitments for the entire weekend. Maybe I should take a nap now?
Yesterday at work, I bid the largest job I've ever bid. Over $12 million. I took some well deserved time off today. It will be a while before I found out how that one turned out.

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