Monday, November 27, 2006

The reason?

Every year we go through this. Angie does 95% of the Christmas shopping and I worry, fret over, and question just about every purchase she makes. I don't want to do the shopping and I don't want to pay for it either. I get so stressed when my already tight budget has to absorb the gigantic hit that comes at Christmas time, especially when it comes on one weekend! It's hard for me to understand why Christmas has to cost us so much. Who's jackass idea was it to give out so many gifts? That's not what Christmas is about. It's Jesus, man. We should be giving to those who need it most; not spoiled kids and their spoiled parents. I just wish I could practice what I preach.

On a lighter note: Angie's Aunt Carolyn sent us a beautiful comforter/pillow set. Thank you Carolyn!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, man. What I don't get is how you can worry and stress about your regular bills getting paid, playing the float a check game, and yet money seems to appear from nowhere for Christmas presents. Maybe that is a miracle in itself, I don't know.

MJMiller said...

Good point Mike. Somehow, we always get through it. Sometimes I forget to turn my worries over to God and get on with my life. This is a good example of that.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to remember to turn it over. I get wrapped up in worrying about what I can't provide and focusing on what we can't do because of our situation. It is difficult, but I need to look at it from the other side. I remember a joke where a guy keeps praying to get saved from a flood and turns down a boat, floating debris and other things. He keeps saying "God will come and save me". He dies, goes to Heaven and starts complaining that God didn't save him. God said "What do you mean? I sent you a boat, floating debris . . . "