Friday, November 23, 2007

The Day After

I remember a movie, from the early eighties I think, called The Day After. It was about the day after a nuclear attack. I had nightmares for a long time after watching it.

Last year, on "black friday", while I was stampeding into Target with the rest of the cattle, I had an idea for a photo. I pictured a mass of blurred people funneling into the doors as the store opened. I went out this morning to make that photo. You see the results above. I'm not really happy with it. One bad thing about digital is that with long exposures you get a lot of noise. I didn't want noise in this photo, and it doesn't have any, but it's still not right. To avoid noise I used multiple shorter exposures instead of one long one. I didn't get the blur I wanted. I can see too much detail in the people. I guess I didn't expect to get it right the first time anyway. This is one of those situations where you don't get another chance. Just a couple of shots (actually about 20 with the multiple exposures) and the crowd was gone.

We had Thanksgiving at my mom's yesterday. The food was great and we had a lot of fun playing games. Didn't watch one minute of football either.

It was 11 degrees this morning. Yuck.


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